SM - Hausmynd



Mér var aš berast frį dżraverndarsamtökunum Peta; The vegeterian starter kit. (Hann er lķka ašgengilegur į netinu). Žar er fullt af dżraafuršalausum uppskriftum en einnig mišur fallegar lżsingar į mešferš į dżrum til manneldis.

What Happens to Pigs?

More than 100 million pigs are killed for food in the U.S. every year. Pigs on factory farms are castrated and have hunks of flesh ripped from their ears,  bits of their teeth torn out with wire cutters, and their tails chopped off—without painkillers. Sometimes stalls are stacked, and excrement from pigs in the upper tiers falls on those below. The accumulation of filth, feces, and urine in the sheds causes more than one-quarter of pigs to suffer from agonizing mange, and three-fourths of pigs have pneumonia by the time that they reach the laughterhouse. Drugs and genetic breeding cause pigs to become so weak that they can barely walk, and 400,000 a year are crippled when they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Once there, workers jab metal hooks into the pigs’ eyes, mouths, or rectums to force them to move faster.


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