SM - Hausmynd


meira af sértrśarsöfnušinum ķ New Mexico

leištoginn, Messiah sjįlfur, var fangelsašur fyrir stuttu fyrir kynferšisbrot. Žetta er ansi spes him-sacrificedsöfnušur svo ekki sé meira sagt, žau trśa į hann, Michael Travesser, og aš žau muni yfirgefa žessa jörš fljótt...žvķlķkt...Sideways (mynd; hśn og Michael)

Ein kvenna hans(aš mér skilst) skrifar hér į heimasķšu safnašarins

Michael's vindication is on its way, and the power and glory of God will not be able to be hindered by the state. Michael has powers that the state does not possess. He can do anything His Father tells Him to do. If His Father tells Him to, He can get up and walk through the jail cell wall, permanently walking away from their supposed "power" over Him. He is not held captive at all, He is free from them, and His Father is right there with Him.  

Žetta allt byrjaši į köllun hans: 

Travesser is a former Seventh-day Adventist preacher who had a revelation in 2000. "One day I was in my trailer just relaxing, and there was nothing on my mind in particular, and then God said to me, 'You are the messiah,' " Travesser recalls.

Shocking - the Boston globe.

Brot śr heimildarmynd National Geographic žar sem stślkur tala um upplifun sķna, naktar, meš leištoganum...


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