SM - Hausmynd



Robert G. Ingersoll(1833-1899) amerķskur agnosticisti.

RobertGIngersollThe intelligent and good man holds in his affections the good and true of every land - the boundaries of countries are not the limitations of his sympathies. Caring nothing for race, or color, he loves those who speak other languages and worship other gods. Between him and those who suffer, there is no impassable gulf. He salutes the world, and extends the hand of friendship to the human race. He does not bow before a provincial and patriotic god - one who protects his tribe or nation, and abhors the rest of mankind.



Through all the ages of superstition, each nation has insisted that it was the peculiar care of the true God, and that it alone had the true religion - that the gods of other nations were false and fraudulent, and that other religions were wicked, ignorant and absurd. In this way the seeds of hatred had been sown, and in this way have been kindled the flames of war. Men have had no sympathy with those of a different complexion, with those who knelt at other altars and expressed their thoughts in other words - and even a difference in garments placed them beyond the sympathy of others. Every peculiarity was the food of prejudice and the excuse for hatred.

Robert Green Ingersoll - "God in the Constitution"



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1 Smįmynd: Hjalti Rśnar Ómarsson

Žar sem aš hann var jś fręgur fyrir ręšurnar sķnar, žį er mjög gaman aš heyra lestur į verkunum hans (til į podcast).

Hjalti Rśnar Ómarsson, 1.5.2008 kl. 00:42

2 Smįmynd: Sylvķa

jį hann er óvitlaus

Sylvķa , 1.5.2008 kl. 09:54

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