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cult-iš ķ Texas

alveg merkilegir hlutir, hverju heilažvottur getur įorkaš. Hér er vištal viš konu sem ólst upp ķ svipušu umhverfi og žvķ sem er ķ fréttum nś.

I was one of 13 children raised by our father and three mothers in a fundamentalist Mormon community in Utah. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) is not associated with regular Mormonism (LDS). FLDS followers practice the "Principle" of polygamy, which is now banned by the mainstream Latter Day Saints. The idea behind polygamy in the FLDS is that a man must have at least three wives in order to go to heaven. Young girls are "placed" with husbands by the church leader, or Prophet. These spiritual marriages are not legally binding, but in the eyes of FLDS members, they are sacred. If a woman serves her husband faithfully, he may invite her to join him in the celestial kingdom of heaven. But should a woman disobey the Prophet and refuse a life of polygamy, she will be damned to eternal hell.  


mormum2AP1504_468x315En ég spyr; afhverju eru bara myndir af konunum ķ fréttum, hvar eru allir karlarnir sem voru žarna lķka??

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