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gömlum lestarvögnum fleygt ķ hafiš rétt fyrir utan New York...frįbęrt....Pouty En meš žessu bśa žau til gervi reefs sem aš fiskar sękja ķ.

In the last several years, the reefs have drawn swift open-ocean fish, like tuna and mackerel, that use the reefs as hunting grounds for smaller prey. Sea bass like to live inside the cars, while large flounder lie in the silt that settles on top of the cars, said Mr. Tinsman, the Delaware official.

States have experimented with other types of artificial reef materials, including abandoned automobiles, tanks, refrigerators, shopping carts and washing machines.


Myndasyrpa.               Frétt NYTimes hér. 


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Bķddu er žetta žį snišugt fyrir fiskana?

Rebekka (IP-tala skrįš) 10.4.2008 kl. 12:57

2 identicon


Ragga (IP-tala skrįš) 10.4.2008 kl. 14:14

3 Smįmynd: Sylvķa

ja skilst thad:

One by one, a machine operator has been shoving hundreds of retired New York City subway cars off a barge, continuing the transformation of a barren stretch of ocean floor into a bountiful oasis, carpeted in sea grasses, walled thick with blue mussels and sponges, and teeming with black sea bass and tautog.

En samt...ruslaralegt.

Sylvķa , 10.4.2008 kl. 15:42

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