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ad setja mork

eda boundaries. Fengum fyrirlestur um žetta efni hja salfręšingi i gęr. Mjog ahugavert efni. Mašur er alltaf ad sja žaš skyrar og skyrar hversu mikid uppeldiš hefur ad segja um folk, žaš markar mann for live, gott eda vont. Serstaklega lęrir folk ad setja mork i uppeldinu og ef žau eru heilbrigš ža byr folk aš žvi alla ęvi, en ef morkin hafa raskast i ęsku ža žarf folk ad supa seyšiš af žvi seinna. Sem betur fer er hęgt ad lęra ad laga morkin og ošlast heilbrigš mork. Margir held eg ad seu alveg omešvitadir um skemmd mork hja ser og lifiš veršur erfitt utaf žvi.

AluminumFence1ažaš sem stoš uppur fyrir mig eru oršin reactive og proreactive. Hiš fyrra er oheilbrigt og a viš um personur med skemmd mork og lelega sjalfsmynd žar af leišandi. Reactive er ad bregšast hrįtt vid ollu, lata adra sla sig utaf laginu, eda bregšast hugsunarlaust vid areiti eda ošru folki og verda of innvinklašur i annaš folk og tilfinningar žess.

Hiš sišara, proactive, er ad hafa goša sjalfsmynd og hugsa ašur en mašur bregst viš og lata ekki annaš folk hafa ahrif a athafnir sinar eda sjalfsmynd. 

Svona skildi eg žetta og held žetta geti gagnist morgum žvi mjog margir held eg hafa fengiš einhverskonar lelegt uppeldi eda dysfunctional uppeldi.

Fann žetta a vefnum: 

Healthy boundaries though not perfect, allow a person to experience a comfortable interdependence with other people, resulting in generally functional relationships and positive self-regard.

Damaged boundaries operate inconsistently and often dysfunctionally. They are the result of mixed messages and abuse, and are usually related to abusive relationships in the individual's family of origin and/or relationships of choice.


  • Appropriate trust
  • Revealing a little of yourself at a time, then checking to see how the other person responds to your sharing
  • Moving step by step into intimacy
  • Putting a new acquaintanceship on hold until you check for compatibility
  • Deciding whether a potential relationship will be good for you
  • Staying focused on your own growth and recovery
  • Weighing the consequence before acting on sexual impulse
  • Being sexual when you want to be sexual--concentrating largely on your own pleasure rather than monitoring reactions of partner
  • Maintaining personal values despite what others want
  • Noticing when someone else displays inappropriate boundaries
  • Noticing when someone invades your boundaries
  • Saying "NO" to food, gifts, touch, sex you don't want
  • Asking a person before touching them
  • Respect for others--not taking advantage of someone's generosity
  • Self-respect--not giving too much in hope that someone will like you
  • Not allowing someone to take advantage of your generosity
  • Trusting your own decisions
  • Defining your truth, as you see it
  • Knowing who you are and what you want
  • Recognizing that friends and partners are not mind-readers
  • Clearly communicating your wants and needs (and recognizing that you may be turned down, but you can ask)
  • Becoming your own loving parent
  • Talking to yourself with gentleness, humor, love and respect

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