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įhugaverš bók

Here if you need me eftir Kate Braestrup sem er chaplain meš leitarsveitum ķ skógunum ķ Maine.  Žar sem ég er aš lęra žetta fag žį er žetta įhugaverš bók og žaš sem ég hef lesiš śr henni er mjög fallegt og hrķfandi. Hśn missti manninn sinn ķ bķlslysi fyrir nokkrum įrum og įkvaš žį aš verša prestur ķ Unitarian-Universalist kirkjunni. here-if-you-need-me

Stunned and grieving, Kate decided to continue her husband's dream and became a minister herself. And in that capacity she found a most unusual mission: serving as the minister on search and rescue missions in the Maine woods, giving comfort to people whose loved ones are missing, and to the wardens who sometimes have to deal with awful outcomes. Whether she is with the parents of a 6-year-old girl who had wandered into the woods, with wardens as they search for a snowmobile rider trapped under the ice, or assisting a man whose sister left an infant seat and a suicide note in her car by the side of the road, Braestrup provides solace, understanding, and spiritual guidance when it's needed most.

Alert to comic detail even in grisly circumstances (bears, for example, like to play ball with human skulls), she tells stories of lost children, a suicide, drunken accidents and a murder, always with compassion and a concern for the big questions inescapably provoked by tragic events. "Why did Dad die?" her children ask, and her response describes not only her theology but also her reason for being a chaplain: "Nowhere in scripture does it say 'God is a car accident' or 'God is death.' God is justice and kindness, mercy, and always-always-love. So if you want to know where God is in this or in anything, look for love." (af Barnes and Nobles)

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