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How to Hug a Stranger

With things like the Free Hug Campaign, and Hug Patrol, people are getting inspired to give the gift of a genuine friendly hug to a stranger, to brighten their day! However, most people are unsure how to go about hugging random people! So here's a step-by-step guide.


  1. Make sure you are clean, are not giving off any offensive body odor, and you do not look intimidating/scary.
  2. Scan the people nearby, or who are walking by whether you are in an airport, mall, street. Mentally pick out people who seem to be open, and do not look angry, sad, or confused.
  3. Once you've picked out your person, go up to them not appearing to be overbearing, but happy. Try not to walk to fast.
  4. Extend your arms, smile and inquire whether the person needs a hug.
  5. If you have permission, hug the person gently, and nicely.
  6. Break away, smile and say something nice, or even inspirational to the person before waving goodbye.


  • Try waving a sign promoting your free hugs.
  • Always be happy and friendly!
  • Wear a large billboard like sign, advertising your hugs, it makes people more likely to approach you


  • Don't make anyone else feel uncomfortable
  • Don't try to forcefully hug anyone.
  • Don't wear loud/bright colors, or dark/Gothic clothing. Dress neutrally.

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1 identicon

Er žetta nżjasta lķnan ķ "bedside manners" žarna į spķtalanum?

Ólöf (IP-tala skrįš) 25.7.2007 kl. 22:28

2 Smįmynd: Sylvķa

hehe nei en her eru allir svo friendly, margir uti yfirbordslegheit, en spurning ad taka tetta skrefinu lengra...

Sylvķa , 26.7.2007 kl. 14:17

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