SM - Hausmynd



Members of many groups live in fear of attacks that are motivated by nothing but the dominant group's desire to humiliate, hurt or destroy them. Young(an author) includes the less severe practices of harrasment, intimidation, and ridicule in this category as well, when their sole purpose is to degrade people belonging to social groups that don't fit the dominant norms. Violence of this kind is systemic, because it's directed at people simply because they are members of a despised group. It's social because people often band together to do it(gang rape, for example) and because there are rules about when the target of the violence has asked for it(he got uppity, she was in the wrong neighbourhood). And although there's a limit it is tolerated. People know it will happen again, frequently, and so they become used to it. Its perpretators often recieve light punishment or none at all, particularly if they are in positions of authority. Violence causes groups of people to be identified primarily as objects of sport or hatred, requiring them to take responsability for their own safety.

Ur An invitation to feminist ethics. Hilde Lindemann. Tveggja ára fangelsi fyrir nauðgun
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1 Smámynd: Sylvía

Tarf ad taka allt samfelagid i gegn i tessum malum, tetta er of samtykkt sem natturulogmal ad karlar naudgi konum.

Sylvía , 19.6.2007 kl. 15:38

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