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Traci Lords ,,lék" ķ 19 klįmmyndum žegar hśn var į aldrinum 15-18 įra. Hśn mętti til Opruh og talaši um reynslu sķna en ķ dag hefur hśn snśiš baki viš öllu klįmi og er leikkona.

 Traci's career in the sex industry began when she ran away from home at age 15. She obtained a fake I.D. "mainly to get a a waitress, just some sort of employment," Traci says. "I was really desperate."

When she answered an ad for a figure model in a local newspaper, she was quickly swept up into the porn industry. Nude modeling led to a centerfold in Penthouse, which quickly led to hard-core pornography.

"I had stars in my eyes," she recalls. "And I thought, 'Okay...maybe this is a way of having the attention and having everybody like me."

Traci grew up in an abusive home and was raped at the age of 10 by a neighborhood boy. Battling her "self-loathing," Traci says turning to the porn industry was her way of getting attention.

"I really did feel important in that world; I felt more powerful-I felt like for the first time in my life I had control.

"It wasn't about sex... it was about numbing out, finding a place to put that anger. I was very was was about attention."


18 įra er hśn handtekin af The FBI og viš tók margra įra mešferš sem ķ dag hefur gefiš henni heilbrigša sjįlfsmynd. - Af 

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