Færsluflokkur: hjólreiðar
31.7.2008 | 04:23
líkt og hestaþjófum ætti ekki að vera sýnd nein miskunn. Rakst á þessa grein á Eye Weekly um þennan andskota:
To catch a thief
July 23, 2008 12:07
In the old west, a special kind of derision was reserved for horse thieves. A horse was not just another possession, and not even just another animal - to steal a man's cattle was to steal some small part of his livelihood; to steal his horse was to take away his means of transportation, the engine that drove his work, his very freedom. A woman might have developeded a relationship with her horse, as it became tame and learned to respond to her commands just so. Horses were not interchangeable and easily replaceable, and to be without a horse was to be left with virtually nothing.
Horse thieves were among the very lowest, mangiest, least-tolerated kinds of criminals. When they were caught, they were hanged.
Not to draw a parallel between a hunk of metal and a living animal, but we hold a similar disregard for bike thieves. Those who ride bikes to navigate the city are performing all kinds of social goods - they pollute less than motorists or transit users, they ease gridlock, they pose no real threat to anyone else on the road and, in a way, they even ease the price of gas by lowering the total pool of demand. It isn't that all of them have chosen to be martyrs for the greater good - cyclists are also, very often, among the least affluent members of society, unable to afford to drive a car or hold a Metropass. Cyclists develop relationships with their bikes, tune them up and learn their quirks and - as we were reminded at the Toronto Cyclists Union's recent screening of the epic film Pee-wee's Big Adventure - become quite attached to them.
Theft of any kind is pretty despicable, but to take from those who often have so little, those who in their daily commuting or errand-running inflict so little burden on the rest of us - there must be a special circle of hell reserved for such scum.
- (feitletrun mín)
hjólreiðar | Breytt s.d. kl. 10:40 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
31.5.2008 | 02:40
Critical mass
í dag var hjólaferð um bæinn til að vekja athygli á hjólreiðamönnum í umferðinni. Fólk safnaðist saman við háskólann og hjólaði svo stóran hring um bæinn og tók yfir sumar göturnar. Þetta var mjög gaman. Er víst gert á mánaðarfresti hér og víðsvegar í stórborgum hér.
hjólreiðar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:41 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
9.3.2008 | 01:41
hjólreiðar | Breytt 10.3.2008 kl. 13:44 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
29.11.2007 | 02:52
morgunmatur á hjólinu...Philip Drexler
Annars rýk ég bara á fætur, og af stað á hjólinu, og fæ mér morgunmat í vinnunni.
via Swissmiss
hjólreiðar | Breytt s.d. kl. 03:07 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
16.11.2007 | 02:59
fyrirmyndar hjólaborgir
Bandaríkjamenn eiga 4 af 11. Amsterdam er no.1.
Það fyndna er að tveir vinnufélagar ætla að fara að hjóla í vinnuna líka...hehe, þau sjá hversu healthy ég er og hversu mikið ég er að grennast...Gott mál.
hjólreiðar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:51 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
13.11.2007 | 00:32
ég er að gera mitt
til að minnka notkun bensíns hér í Ameríku og til að stemma stigum við offitu; ég hjóla.
Nokkrir kostir þess að hjóla
More Than Forty Good Reasons For Bicycling
- Bicycles Increase Mobility For Those Who Don't Have Access To Motor Transport.
- Bikes Increase Mobility For Those Who Don't Qualify To Drive A Car.
- Bicycles Increase Mobility For Those Who Can't Afford Motor Transport.
- Bikes Increase Mobility For Those Who Don't Want To Drive Motor Vehicles.
- There Are 28 Miles Of Bike Trails In The City of Seattle.
- Bicycling Is The Most Efficient Form Of Transportation Ever Invented.
- You Get Exercise From Bicycling
- Save Travel Money By Biking
- Reduce Stress
- Biking Is Therapeutic For The Mind & Spirit
- Cycling Is Therapeutic For The Body
- Your Commute Will Be The Best Part Of Your Day Instead Of The Worst Part Of Your Day.
- Cycling Improves Self-Esteem
- Save On The Membership To A Health Club, Get Your Exercise Bicycling To Work
- Cycling Is Low Impact On The Body
- Cycling Is Low Impact On The Environment
- Bicycling In Your Neighborhood Is A Great Way To Meet Your Neighbors
- Camaraderie of Cyclists Makes It A Great Way To Meet A Nice Stranger With A Similar Interest
- Bicyclist Can Ignore the Traffic Reports
- Feel the Self-satisfaction Of Biking Past A Traffic Jam In The Bike Lane.
- Predictable Commute Time
- Easier Parking
- Cheaper Parking
- Leaving Your Car At Home Provide A Parking Space For Someone Less Fortunate
- If You Are Lazy, Your Bicycle Provides Door-To-Door Transport (You Don't Have To Walk Across A Vast Parking Lot)
- Reduce Demand For Parking Lots
- Reduce Energy Consumption (see below)
- Reduce Air Pollution -- Bicyclist Emit Few Gases
- Reduce Water Pollution -- Bikes Don't Drip Brake Fluid, Anti-Freeze, Transmission Fluid, Etc.
- Reduce Noise Pollution -- Even Without A Muffler Bikes Are Quiet
- Reduces Road Wear -- Even If Cyclist Feel Like They Have The Weight Of The World On Their Shoulders.
- A four mile bicycle trip keeps about 15 pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe.
- 40% Of All Trips In The U.S. Are Within Two Miles Of Home.
- Prevent and protest the sanctioned murder (homicide by motor-vehicle) of responsible citizens.
- Bikes Small Profile Reduce Congestion
- Motor Vehicle Emissions Cause More Than Half Of The Northwest's Air Pollution.
- Reduce Need To Lay Additional Asphalt And Concrete
- Easier to Vary Your Route By Bicycle
- Bicycling Improves Cardio-Vascular Health
- Better muscle tone, bone mass improvement, clearer skin
- Healthier People Have Lower Health Care Expenses
- New bicycle commuters can expect to lose 13 pounds their first year of bicycle commuting. (Jibbí!)
- The Exercise Increase Your Productivity At Work
- Increased Bike Uses Generates Bike Facilities Which Increase Property Values
- Bicycling Gives You More Fresh Air Than A Sauna And You Can Still Sweat And Clean Your Pores
- Bike Commuting Is A License To Dress Weird And Still Feel Smug
- Urban Cycling Keeps You Humble
- Biking Is Virtually Life Long Activity
- Bicycling Can Be Enjoyed In A Wide Variety Of Topography
- Cycling Can Be Enjoyed In A Wide Variety Of Climates
- Bicycles Are A Great Means To See The World
- Bicycling is cool.
- Biking Is Fun.
hjólreiðar | Breytt 16.11.2007 kl. 16:52 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
1.11.2007 | 03:23
að hjóla
ég hjóla allt sem ég fer hér því ég hef ekki keypt bíl. Er að forðast það í lengstu lög. Daglega hjóla ég um 6 km fram og til baka í vinnuna og er um 15 mín.aðra leið. Svo hjóla ég allt annað sem ég fer. Þetta er mjög heilsusamlegt augljóslega og ég finn mikinn mun á mér eftir 2 mánuði á hjólinu.
Verður hugsað til Koben með sér hjólagötur, það er frábært. Hér er veðrið enn gott, reyndar ansi kalt á morgnana en getur verið um 18-23 stig á daginn. Her er líka allt slétt, engar hæðir þannig að þetta er mjog hentugt til að hjóla. Nema í sumar þegar hitinn fer í 38 c gráður þá verður það örugglega fekar óþægilegt.
hjólastæði í Japan.
hjólreiðar | Breytt 16.11.2007 kl. 16:53 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)