Færsluflokkur: Trúmál og siðferði
6.3.2008 | 19:11
chaplains, ekki bara a sjukrahusum
eda hernum, heldur hinum ymsu fyrirtaekjum lika. Grein i NYTimes um starf chaplains a vinnustodum.
From car parts makers to fast food chains to financial service companies, corporations across the country are bringing chaplains into the workplace. At most companies, the chaplaincy resembles the military model, which calls for chaplains to serve the religiously diverse community before them, not to evangelize.
Someone who has never thought about this might assume they pray with people, but the majority of the job is listening to people, helping them with very human problems, not one big intensive religious discussion, said David Miller, executive director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture and the author of the book God at Work.
The spread of corporate chaplaincy programs, especially out of the Bible Belt to the North, is part of a growing trend among businesses to embrace religion rather than reject it, Mr. Miller said. Executives now look for ways to build a company that adheres to certain Christian values. Some businesses offer Muslim employees a place and the time to pray during work.
Workplace chaplaincies are generally less costly to operate than the more familiar employee assistance program model of counseling and making referrals. Most chaplaincies also go beyond such programs to bring something of the local pastor to the workplace: the person who is on call around the clock to rush to the hospital when an employee has been in a car accident, or to find housing for families burned out of their houses, or to visit a workers relative in jail, even to officiate at weddings and funerals.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:15 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
21.2.2008 | 20:31
Hverjum klukkan glymur
Hópurinn heimsótti í dag útfararstofu.
Það er gott og getur verid mikiægt að látafjölskyldun sína vita hvað maður vill ef vissir hlutir koma upp, s.s. alvarleg veikindi, og eða dauðinn sem vissulega kemur einn daginn. Þvi er gott ad fylla út svona blað og láta fólk vita...lika jafnvel ad leggja fyrir fyrir utförinni þvi það kostar sitt að deyja...
My Funeral Preferences
My Name _______________________________________________
Anatomical and disposition information:I am ____ am not _____ an organ or tissue donor.
If not required, I will _____ will not _____ permit an autopsy.
I do____ do not ____ wish for my body to be embalmed.
Upon my death, I wish for my body to be:
_____ cremated _____ buried _____ entombed
_____ donated to medicine. Preferred institution: _______________________.
Location of confirming paperwork: _________________________________.
I have made funeral pre-arrangements with:
Funeral establishment ____________________________ Phone ___________________
I have not made funeral pre-arrangements, but I prefer that this firm be used:
I have not purchased cemetery space, but I prefer that this cemetery be used:
Ceremony preferences:
I do ____ do not _____ wish to have a visitation.
___Public ____Private visitation. Casket ____open ____closed
Visitation location and time _________________________________
I would like:
_____ a traditional funeral, with a graveside service
_____ a traditional funeral, without a graveside service
_____ a graveside-only service
_____ a memorial service (without the body present)
_____ other:
_____ no service
These are my preferences/suggestions for:
Location of service _______________________________________________________
Clergy/officiate __________________________________________________________
Special music ___________________________________________________________
Organist/soloist/other ______________________________________________________
People to speak __________________________________________________________
Scriptures/poems/other to be read: ____________________________________________
Flowers _________________________________________________________________
Memorial donations made to ________________________________________________
Photographs or possessions to be displayed ____________________________________
For cremation:
Casket or cremation container I prefer _________________________________________
Please remove all jewelry before cremation and return to __________________________
Cremation remains ____should ___should not be present at service.
I wish my cremation remains returned to (name) ________________________________
I would like for my ashes to be _____kept ____buried ____scattered.
For burial or entombment:
Casket I prefer ___________________________________________________________
Outer enclosure (vault) I prefer ______________________________________________
Cemetery name __________________________________________________________
Section ____________ Lot _________ Space _______________
Clothing to use ___________________________________________________________
Jewelry I wish to wear _____________________________________________________
Instructions for disposal of jewelry before burial ________________________________
Pallbearers I would like: ___________________________________________________
Any additional instructions or considerations:
My signature _____________________________________________ Date _________
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:31 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
20.2.2008 | 19:25
Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heart-ache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty. Every man, when he gets quiet, when he becomes desperately honest with himself, is capable of uttering profound truths. We all derive from the same source. There is no mystery about the origin of things. We are all part of creation, all kings, all poets, all musicians; we have only to open up, to discover what is already there. ~Henry Miller, Sexus
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. ~African Proverb
The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. ~Sonya Friedman
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:28 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.2.2008 | 15:30
Words That Feed Us
When we talk to one another, we often talk about what happened, what we are doing, or what we plan to do. Often we say, "What's up?" and we encourage one another to share the details of our daily lives. But often we want to hear something else. We want to hear, "I've been thinking of you today," or "I missed you," or "I wish you were here," or "I really love you." It is not always easy to say these words, but such words can deepen our bonds with one another.
Telling someone "I love you" in whatever way is always delivering good news. Nobody will respond by saying, "Well, I knew that already, you don't have to say it again"! Words of love and affirmation are like bread. We need them each day, over and over. They keep us alive inside.
- Henri Nouwen
7.2.2008 | 01:04
í dag Öskudag hér í USA var aska sett á enni fólks. Öskukross réttara sagt. Við chaplains fórum um spítalann og buðum fólki öskukross. Þá er farið með litla iðrunarbæn og sagt: af ösku ertu komin og að ösku muntu aftur verða. (Því að mold ert þú og til moldar skalt þú aftur hverfa!" -Gen.3.19). Askan eru brennd pálmalauf frá síðustu páskum.
Öskudagur markar upphaf Föstunnar sem er 40 dagar(nema sunnudagar) fyrir Páskadag. Hér einsog víða annar staðar er hefð að neita sér um eitthvað þessa daga, t.d. súkkulaði eða eitthvað annað sem erfitt er að neita sér um.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 01:36 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
27.1.2008 | 13:56
ad fyrirgefa
Forgiveness, the Way to Freedom
To forgive another person from the heart is an act of liberation. We set that person free from the negative bonds that exist between us. We say, "I no longer hold your offense against you" But there is more. We also free ourselves from the burden of being the "offended one." As long as we do not forgive those who have wounded us, we carry them with us or, worse, pull them as a heavy load. The great temptation is to cling in anger to our enemies and then define ourselves as being offended and wounded by them. Forgiveness, therefore, liberates not only the other but also ourselves. It is the way to the freedom of the children of God.
Henri Nouwen.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:59 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
27.1.2008 | 00:43
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:44 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
23.1.2008 | 22:26
Góð hugvekja
Henri Nouwen:
Forgiveness, the Cement of Community Life
Community is not possible without the willingness to forgive one another "seventy-seven times" (see Matthew 18:22). Forgiveness is the cement of community life. Forgiveness holds us together through good and bad times, and it allows us to grow in mutual love.
But what is there to forgive or to ask forgiveness for? As people who have hearts that long for perfect love, we have to forgive one another for not being able to give or receive that perfect love in our everyday lives. Our many needs constantly interfere with our desire to be there for the other unconditionally. Our love is always limited by spoken or unspoken conditions. What needs to be forgiven? We need to forgive one another for not being God!
Góður lokapunktur.
(Mynd - Birth e.Salvador Dali)
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:29 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
4.1.2008 | 11:31
Hugleiðing Henri Nouwen:
Fruits That Grow in Vulnerability
There is a great difference between successfulness and fruitfulness. Success comes from strength, control, and respectability. A successful person has the energy to create something, to keep control over its development, and to make it available in large quantities. Success brings many rewards and often fame. Fruits, however, come from weakness and vulnerability. And fruits are unique. A child is the fruit conceived in vulnerability, community is the fruit born through shared brokenness, and intimacy is the fruit that grows through touching one another's wounds. Let's remind one another that what brings us true joy is not successfulness but fruitfulness.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:33 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (5)
2.1.2008 | 12:22
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:23 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)