Færsluflokkur: Trúmál og siðferði
15.7.2008 | 01:00
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
brot úr viðtali við hana um gallana á Islam
* Hirsi Ali on Being Circumcized * Hirsi Ali on the Satan Within * Hirsi Ali on Being an Atheist
14.7.2008 | 23:28
Ayn Rand II
góðar pælingar hjá henni. Bloggaði um hana fyrir stuttu, sjá hér.
Find more videos like this on Atheist Nexus
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:35 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
7.7.2008 | 23:10
Ayn Rand
heimspekingur sem veltir fyrir sér kristni. Úrdráttur úr bréfi sem hún skrifar 9 júlí 1946, Letters of Ayn Rand, s. 287:
There is a great, basic contradiction in the teachings of Jesus. Jesus was one of the first great teachers to proclaim the basic principle of individualism -- the inviolate sanctity of man's soul, and the salvation of one's soul as one's first concern and highest goal; this means -- one's ego and the integrity of one's ego. But when it came to the next question, a code of ethics to observe for the salvation of one's soul -- (this means: what must one do in actual practice in order to save one's soul?) -- Jesus (or perhaps His interpreters) gave men a code of altruism, that is, a code which told them that in order to save one's soul, one must love or help or live for others. This means, the subordination of one's soul (or ego) to the wishes, desires or needs of others, which means the subordination of one's soul to the souls of others.
This is a contradiction that cannot be resolved. This is why men have never succeeded in applying Christianity in practice, while they have preached it in theory for two thousand years. The reason of their failure was not men's natural depravity or hypocrisy, which is the superficial (and vicious) explanation usually given. The reason is that a contradiction cannot be made to work. That is why the history of Christianity has been a continuous civil war -- both literally (between sects and nations), and spiritually (within each man's soul). héðan
Vanalega er þetta talið fara saman: að bjarga sálu sinni er að þjóna öðrum. En Rand hefur eflaust rétt fyrir sér, þetta er kannski þversögn og illframkvæmanlegt.
18.6.2008 | 01:00
ungar og gamlar sálir
Skoðaði þetta Mikael dæmi fyrir mörgum árum og var að skoða þetta aftur núna í sambandi við sálna-aldur þjóða, og held bara hreinlega að þetta hafi eitthvern sannleika í sér. Sérstaklega þar sem ég er að velta fyrir mér þjóðarsál kanans, þeas. suðurríkjabúa, og er ég alveg höll undir það að þeir séu barna-sálir. Hlutirnir hérna eru bara þannig einhvern veginn.
Ísland er aftur á móti gamla-sálna land og ég gæti trúað því að ég sé gömul löt sál og því er upplifunin hér svoldið spes með öllum beibíunum...
Though the United States is primarily a late-Young early-Mature Soul country, middle America between the two coasts is packed with Baby Souls who prefer life when it is a little simpler. They often emerge as pillars of the community, staunch, upright and unshakable in their beliefs. They become mayor or sheriff, president of the town council or PTA. Because they are interested in organizing and developing the fabric of society with laws, regulations and lines of authority, they are often found in governmental bureaucracies such as schools, hospitals, regulating agencies and so on. When their beliefs are opposed, Baby Souls may become inwardly bewildered. Baby Souls are so sure they are right that they have difficulty comprehending opposition. This is not a self-reflective phase.
Annað sem er sérstakt í þessu tilliti að Írak er líka baby soul og samstaðan við stríðið er hvað mest hér í Suðurríkjunum held ég.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 01:09 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (5)
10.6.2008 | 22:45
Saga hins illa
Animated Documentary-Mockumentary about Evil in western civilization from Ancient Greece to present day.
Nokkuð góð samsetning.
1.6.2008 | 20:54
að skapa Guð í sinni mynd
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:08 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
30.5.2008 | 01:08
Tjöld við grunnskóla á skjálftasvæðunum í nótt | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 01:10 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
28.5.2008 | 00:04
Henri Nouwen
The opposite of a scarcity mentality is an abundancy mentality. With an abundancy mentality we say: "There is enough for everyone, more than enough: food, knowledge, love ... everything." With this mind-set we give away whatever we have, to whomever we meet. When we see hungry people we give them food. When we meet ignorant people we share our knowledge; when we encounter people in need of love, we offer them friendship and affection and hospitality and introduce them to our family and friends.
When we live with this mind-set, we will see the miracle that what we give away multiplies: food, knowledge, love ... everything. There will even be many leftovers.
21.5.2008 | 01:04
Pat Condell
heimasíða hans Godless comedy.
- What's good about religion?
- Why does faith deserve respect?
- More demands from Islam
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 01:11 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
20.5.2008 | 11:41