Færsluflokkur: Trúmál og siðferði
5.10.2024 | 10:46
Rómverjar skrifuðu Guðspjöllin
Var leið til að reyna að róa gyðinga m.a.. Joe Atwill setur fram sterka kenningu um raunverulega höfunda N.T. Það voru Flavianar(69-96 AD) sem bjuggu Jesú til.
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:08 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
6.1.2009 | 13:06
á nýju ári verður maður að trúa því að réttlætið nái fram að ganga, annars sekkur maður í þunglyndi og vonleysi.
Sálmarnir 103:6
Drottinn fremur réttlæti og veitir rétt öllum kúguðum.
Orðskviðirnir 11:4-6
Auðæfi stoða ekki á degi reiðinnar, en réttlæti frelsar frá dauða.
Réttlæti hins ráðvanda gjörir veg hans sléttan, en hinn óguðlegi fellur um guðleysi sitt.
Réttlæti hinna hreinskilnu frelsar þá, en hinir svikulu ánetjast í eigin græðgi.
Isaiah 1.21-31
Those Who Walk Out on God
Oh! Can you believe it? The chaste city
has become a whore!
She was once all justice,
everyone living as good neighbors,
And now they're all
at one another's throats.
Your coins are all counterfeits.
Your wine is watered down.
Your leaders are turncoats
who keep company with crooks.
They sell themselves to the highest bidder
and grab anything not nailed down.
They never stand up for the homeless,
never stick up for the defenseless.
This Decree, therefore, of the Master, God-of-the-Angel-Armies,
the Strong One of Israel:
"This is it! I'll get my oppressors off my back.
I'll get back at my enemies.
I'll give you the back of my hand, purge the junk from your life, clean you up.
I'll set honest judges and wise counselors among you
just like it was back in the beginning.
Then you'll be renamed
City-That-Treats-People-Right, the True-Blue City."
God's right ways will put Zion right again.
God's right actions will restore her penitents.
But it's curtains for rebels and God-traitors,
a dead end for those who walk out on God.
"Your dalliances in those oak grove shrines
will leave you looking mighty foolish,
All that fooling around in god and goddess gardens
that you thought was the latest thing.
You'll end up like an oak tree
with all its leaves falling off,
Like an unwatered garden,
withered and brown.
'The Big Man' will turn out to be dead bark and twigs,
and his 'work,' the spark that starts the fire
That exposes man and work both
as nothing but cinders and smoke."
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:22 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
27.11.2008 | 07:43
Reiði Móse

8 Skjótt hafa þeir vikið af þeim vegi, sem ég bauð þeim. Þeir hafa gjört sér steyptan kálf, og þeir hafa fallið fram fyrir honum, fært honum fórnir og sagt: ,Þetta er guð þinn, Ísrael, sem leiddi þig út af Egyptalandi."`
9 Drottinn sagði við Móse: "Ég sé nú, að þessi lýður er harðsvírað fólk.
19 En er Móse nálgaðist herbúðirnar og sá kálfinn og dansinn, upptendraðist reiði hans, svo að hann þeytti töflunum af hendi og braut þær í sundur fyrir neðan fjallið.
20 Síðan tók hann kálfinn, sem þeir höfðu gjört, brenndi hann í eldi og muldi hann í duft og dreifði því á vatnið og lét Ísraelsmenn drekka.
- 2.Mós.32
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:25 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
26.11.2008 | 12:51
Reiði og hefnd Samsonar

Því næst þreif Samson í báðar miðsúlurnar, sem húsið hvíldi á, hægri hendinni í aðra og vinstri hendinni í hina, og treysti á.
Þá mælti Samson: "Deyi nú sála mín með Filistum!" Síðan lagðist hann á af öllu afli, svo að húsið féll ofan á höfðingjana og allt fólkið, er í því var, og þeir dauðu, sem hann drap um leið og hann beið bana, voru fleiri en þeir, er hann hafði drepið um ævina.
- Dóm.16.28-30
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:16 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
24.11.2008 | 09:31
Reiði Jesú
Og hann leit í kring á þá með reiði...- Mark.3.5
Jesús reiðist í helgidómnum: Mt. 21:12-13; Mk. 11:15-18; Jh. 2:13-22.
Jh.2.13-14 When the Passover Feast, celebrated each spring by the Jews, was about to take place, Jesus traveled up to Jerusalem. He found the Temple teeming with people selling cattle and sheep and doves. The loan sharks were also there in full strength.
15-17 Jesus put together a whip out of strips of leather and chased them out of the Temple, stampeding the sheep and cattle, upending the tables of the loan sharks, spilling coins left and right. He told the dove merchants, "Get your things out of here! Stop turning my Father's house into a shopping mall!" That's when his disciples remembered the Scripture, "Zeal for your house consumes me."
- The Message bible
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt 26.11.2008 kl. 13:26 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (10)
21.10.2008 | 17:19
Daphne Hampson
post-christian guðfræðingur með fyrirlestur á morgun í HÍ. Er sammála mörgum skoðunum hennar.
"I am a Western person, living in a post-Christian age, who has taken something with me from Christian thinkers, but who has rejected the Christian myth. Indeed I want to go a lot further than that. The myth is not neutral; it is highly dangerous. It is a brilliant, subtle, elaborate, male cultural projection, calculated to legitimise a patriarchal world and to enable men to find their way within it. We need to see it for what it is. But for myself I am a spiritual person, not an atheist. I am amazed at this 'other dimension of reality' in which there is; which allows healing, extra-sensory perception, and things to fall into place. I am quite clear there is an underlying goodness, beauty and order; that it is powerful, such that we can draw on it, while we are inter-related with it. I call that God."
af wikipedia
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt 22.10.2008 kl. 09:37 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
10.10.2008 | 09:15
maður heyrir sorglega hluti þessa dagana
More Than I Can Bear
I've gone through the fire
And I've been through the flood
I've been broken into pieces
Seen lightnin' flashin' from above
But through it all I remember
That He loves me
And He cares
And He'll never put more on me
Than I can bear
I said
Never put more on me
No no
Never put more on me
Unh unh
Never put more on me
His word said He won't
I believe it
I recieve it
I claim it
It's mine
No he'll never
Put more on me
Than I can bear
Can bear
I've got so much to thank God for
So many wonderful blessings
and so many open doors
A brand new mercy
along with each new day
That's why I praise You
and for this I give You praise
For waking me up this morning
That's why I praise You
For starting me on my way
That's why I praise You
For letting me see the sunshine
that's why I praise You
of a brand new day
A brand new mercy
along with each new day
That's why I praise You and for this
I give You praise
You're Jehovah Jhireh
That's why I praise You
You've been my Provider
That's why I praise You
You see so many times You´ve met my needs
So many times You rescued me
That's why I praise You
I want to thank You for the blessing
You give to me each day
That's why I praise You
For this I give You praise
For every mountain You brought me over
For every trial you've seen me through
For every blessing
Hallelujah, for this I give You praise
Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:17 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
16.8.2008 | 15:39
heimildarmynd Bill Maher um trúarbrögð
Maher hjá Larry King:
Sammála honum að the magic word 'faith´ er ekki ásættanlegt til að réttlæta hvað sem er.Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:45 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
19.7.2008 | 04:00
kanína dæmd til aflimunar í barnaþætti
Hamas barnaþáttur þar sem kanína stelur og áhorfendur, börn, dæma hana til þess að hendin verði höggvin af...