SM - Hausmynd


One day...

Meet beautiful Icelandic ladies

Hundreds of beautiful ladies from Iceland. You have the opportunity to communicate with beautiful ladies.

romance%20(resized)The collapse of the Icelandic economic system and the economic chaos that followed has left these women with little hope of a happy future in their homeland. The high chronic unemployment and severe rate of alcoholism among the men of their own countries forces them to look abroad for quality husbands. These are not 'Mail Order Brides' looking for a rich 'sugar daddy' or just looking to get a green card. These are real women who have seen their world fall apart. Unable to find love, happiness and stability in their own countries they look further for a better life. They aren't just looking for rich men or extremely handsome men either. They just want an ordinary guy who will love them and help them build a happy, stable family. Every woman here has known hardship, uncertainty and strife, so they are not as spoiled, demanding and jaded as many Western women tend to be. We feel that the women on our pages will make excellent wives, lovers, mothers and lifelong companions.

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1 Smámynd: Greta Björg Úlfsdóttir


Greta Björg Úlfsdóttir, 26.10.2008 kl. 21:43

2 Smámynd: SM

þetta er nú bara grín...

SM, 26.10.2008 kl. 22:05

3 Smámynd: Greta Björg Úlfsdóttir

Ég ætla rétt að vona að þetta verði aldrei að raunveruleika, eins og fyrir Austur-Evrópukonur...ert þú ekki annars að vísa til þeirra?

Greta Björg Úlfsdóttir, 26.10.2008 kl. 22:33

4 Smámynd: Anna Guðný

Ég ákvað að bíða og sjá hvort einhver myndi ekki setja inn athugasemd hjá þér. Ég var á tímabili farin að halda að ég skildi ekki enskuna nógu vel. En ánægð núna.  Þú varst sem sagt að grínast, hjúkket

Anna Guðný , 26.10.2008 kl. 23:56

5 Smámynd: SM

þetta er texti af rússneskri date línu og ég skipti bara um þjóðernið...

SM, 27.10.2008 kl. 07:35

6 Smámynd: Guðný Anna Arnþórsdóttir

Öldungis frábært ...

Guðný Anna Arnþórsdóttir, 27.10.2008 kl. 23:03

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