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Biblķan į 10 sekśndum

BBC er meš góša sķšu žar sem fariš er yfir helstu trśarbrögš heims og ķ kristna-horninu er m.a. śrslit śr samkeppni um aš segja frį innihaldi Biblķunnar ķ sem fęstum oršum, hér eru nokkur dęmi:

God's to do list, remembering he can see the future. Found on stone post it note.

Make in seven daysdali-crossofstjohn
Kick Adam out of Eden
Tell Jews made it
Flood it
Try again.
No good. Send son
Son sent back
Try again.
Wait a few years
Give up
Send horsemen.

Dave Nicholson, Windsor, Berks

God created the World.
Even his own people kept messing it up.
He sent his Son to sort it out.
Christians don't behave as if they really believe it
So one day he's coming again

Adrian Faiers, Chelmsford

bible haiku

an eye for an eye
father, son and holy ghost
turn the other cheek

Andrew Brown (Leeds)

 The lights came on,
we could see the rules,
but being lost,
we behaved as fools;
He came to save us,
died on the cross,
will we learn,
or are we lost?

James Barabas

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