22.3.2008 | 14:06
af hverju aš vera kristin?
vištal viš Marcus Borg gušfręšing um breytingar sem eru aš verša į kristni.
Why Be Christian?
Revisionist Jesus scholar Marcus Borg explains why "Christianity makes persuasive and compelling sense." Interview by Deborah CaldwellIn renowned Jesus scholar Marcus Borg's latest book, The Heart of Christianity, he responds to an audience of readers who, over the years, have asked him about the essence of their faith. How, they ask, can Christianity be relevant in a time of ever-expanding historical and scientific knowledge? In a conversation with Deborah Caldwell, Borg answers that question, touching on the afterlife, living in a multi-cultural society, the meaning of salvation, and being born again.
You say that Christianity in North America and Europe is going through a paradigm change-that a new vision of how to be Christian is emerging. What is it and why is it happening?
Broadly speaking, there are two different visions of Christianity in North America today. The earlier vision is the product of the last few hundred years, especially the last 150 years. This earlier vision of Christianity is literalistic in its understanding of the Bible, absolutist in its understanding of the ethical teachings of the Bible, and exclusivist--meaning Christianity is the only way.
That's the vision of Christianity that the majority of us grew up with, whether we are mainline Protestant, Catholic, or conservative Protestant. But that way of seeing Christianity has become unpersuasive to millions of people--who can't be literalists or absolutists or exclusivists. But now there is an emerging vision, an emerging paradigm.
The conflict between these two paradigms can be seen in many different places. In the second half of the 19th Century and early in the 20th Century we saw conflict over evolution. Thirty years ago the conflict was over ordination of women in mainline denominations, and of course today we see the conflict about gays and lesbians in the church. For Protestants, the two visions have everything to do with biblical authority. The earlier vision sees the Bible as divine product with a divine guarantee to be true. The emerging vision sees the Bible as a human historical product, the product of two ancient communities [Judaism and Christianity]. It tells us what they thought, not what God thinks.
- įfram hér.
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Til lukku meš „gamla“ lśkkiš į sķšunni! Fróšlegt vištal og įhugaveršar skżringar t.d. į „droppįtunum“ śr kirkjunni. Og žessi tilvitnun hans ķ Thomas Keating -dying to the false self and being born into one's true self- segir margt. Glešipįska!
Įsgeir Kristinn Lįrusson, 22.3.2008 kl. 14:37
jį er oršin algjört fan. Hann er góšur. Svarta śtlitiš įtti aš vera fös.langa śtlit...
Glešilega pįska!
SM, 22.3.2008 kl. 14:48
Sęl Sylvķa, kęri bloggvinur :-)
Mjög jįkvętt višhorf žarna į ferš, sżnist mér. Marcus Borg heldur žvķ fram aš bókstafstrś hafi minnkandi įhrif, eša allavega aš fjölgi ķ röšum žeirra sem eru mun opnari og ekki taka hvert orš Biblķunnar sem heilög opinberun, heldur lķka mannanna verk. Eki sķšur mikilvęgt er žróun sem hann talar um ķ įtt aš meiri samkennd gagnvart iškenda annarra trśarbragša, og almennt frjįlslyndi. Žaš vęri įhugavert aš sjį frekari rökstušning viš žį fullyršingu. Manni finnst aš straumurinn ķ gagnstęšri įtt sé ansi sterk, sérstaklega ķ BNA.
Hann nefnir sjįlfur "the Left Behind series", žar sem fjallaš er (aš mér skilst) um žį sem verši eftir žegar Guš hrifi burt žį sem verši frelsašir (Rapture). Stöšu kristinnar tįkna ķ strķšsįróšri Bush og Reagan er eitt sem mér kemur til hugar og sömuleišis framgangi "Intelligent Design" (bullsvar viš žróunarvisindinn) ķ BNA og meir aš segja Evrópu ( sérstaklega austur-Evrópu ).
Ég las hratt yfir vištališ og fannst žaš eilķtiš žokukennt varšandi tilgangi trśar, nema aš trś (lķka önnur trś en kristni) getur veriš žroskandi afl og aš honum finnst aš hann eigi heima į trśnni og ķ kirkjunni.
Vęrir žś til ķ aš śtskżra ?
Ég sé hins vegar aš hann sé ekki einu sinni viss um lķf sįlar sinnar eftir dauša. Įhugavert vęri aš sjį trśarjįtning hans og bera saman viš trśarjįtninguna sem žjóškirkjan į Ķslandi notar. Žį vęri įhugavert aš heyra hvort Borg og nįnir trśbręšur hans hafi fordóma gegn hśmanistum eša öšrum trślausum.
Morten Lange, 22.3.2008 kl. 15:02
ég skil. Borg veltir um żmsum steinum og er aš mķnu mati mjög raunsęr. Svo margt ķ trśni er mannanna verk eša tilbśningur. Ég skil hann sem svo aš tilgangur trśar sé aš elska sjįlfan sig, nįungann og Guš, og aš viš séum öll réttlįt fyrir Guši fyrir nįš en ekki verk.
Hér ķ Amerķku er vissulega mikil trśarhiti en lķka andstęšan. Ég er einmitt aš skoša žetta(gušfręši Borg) śtaf žvķ sem ég sé hér varšandi kristnina og lķkar ekki. Eins sér mašur sķna eigin kristni ķ nżju ljósi og žį gušfręši sem praktikeruš er heima.
Žetta er stutt svar en ég bendi į žessa predikun sem ég rakst į, er į sömu lķnu.
SM, 22.3.2008 kl. 15:18
Žessi predikun sem žś bendir į śtskżrir žessu sem ég var aš velta fyri rmér aš einhverju leyti, og setur lķka merkimiši į žessu, sem etv į viš :
"Jesus: the mystic, the healer, the wisdom teacher, social prophet and movement initiator is the Jesus that Borg and others are taking back. Is the living Jesus that Unitarian and Universalist Christians have welcomed into their lives."
Morten Lange, 22.3.2008 kl. 17:25
Kķkiš lķka hér. Mjög svipuš įhersla žar į ferš ķ stęrstu dagblaši Kanada :
Veit ekki hvort žetta sé "Unitarian eša Universalist" kirkja.
eša slóšin fullum fetum :
Morten Lange, 23.3.2008 kl. 19:18
takk, ahugavert:
"she argues that the Christian church, in the form in which it exists today, has outlived its viability and either it sheds its no-longer credible myths, doctrines and dogmas, or it's toast."
SM, 23.3.2008 kl. 20:49
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.