29.2.2008 | 01:19
aš sleppa
Mér var bent į bókina The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency eftir Melody Beattie. Leist vel į žetta, er góš fyrir žį sem vilja setja betri mörk ķ sķnu lķfi. Hér er ein hugleišing:
We don't always have to be strong. Sometimes, our strength is expressed in being vulnerable. Sometimes, we need to fall apart to regroup and stay on track. We all have days when we cannot push any harder, cannot hold back self-doubt, cannot stop focusing on fear, cannot be strong.
There are days when we cannot focus on being responsible. Occasionally we don't want to get out of our pajamas. Sometimes, we cry in front of people. We expose our tiredness, irritability, or anger.
Those days are okay. They are just okay.
Part of taking care of ourselves means we give ourselves permission to "fall apart" when we need to. We do not have to be perpetual towers of strength. We are strong. We have proven that. Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable when we need to experience those feelings.
Today, God, help me to know that it is okay to allow myself to be human. Help me not to feel guilty or punish myself when I need to "fall apart."
- Daglegar hugleišingar śr bókinni eru hér.
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