SM - Hausmynd


Borša, bišja, elska.

Eat, pray, love er bók skrifuš af Elizabeth Gilbert. Sį brot af vištali viš hana hjį Opruh ķ gęr og leist vel į. Hér er ašferš sem er örruglega góš, en hśn segist hafa notaš til aš nį betra jafnvęgi meš sjįlfa sig.

epl_oprah_main_161x345Liz began her journey with prayer. "I had no experience. But I just said to God, 'I need your help. I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do.' And the decision I was struggling with was, Do I stay in this marriage? Do I leave this marriage?"

To help find the answer, Liz began keeping a journal where she would ask herself deeper questions as if she were her own friend. "I was going to write myself everything I've always wanted somebody to say to me when I'm in my deepest despair," she says.

"I would write I am in so much trouble. I need you. And there it would be—I would write back, I am here. What do you need? You know. Tell me. I love you. What do you need?"

Liz says she does not know where the voice came from but says, "I know that it came through me but it was not entirely me. As long as you believe on it and lean on it and listen to it, I'm not sure that it does matter. It's just there when you need it."

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