2.8.2006 | 00:53
Orð dagsins
góð útlagning á sögunni um hveitið og illgresið í Matteus 13.36-43:
The force of this parable, of the wheat and the weeds, hits us every day. It is about having patience with the persistence of evil in the world. We may face malicious vandalism, like the enemy who sowed weeds in his neighbour's field. In their early stages the weeds looked like wheat, and you could not root up weeds without taking some wheat as well. So too some of the evils we face are dressed up to look respectable. We have to fight evil, but we need not give ourselves ulcers if we find that society remains far from perfect. The final judgment lies with God.
af sacredspace.ie síðu írskra Jesúita munka.
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