24.7.2006 | 22:36
Gegn nautaati
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Did You Know?
- More than 40,000 bulls are slaughtered in rings in Spain each year, according to The New York Times, although most Spaniards would like bullfighting to end.
- Before a bullfight, people will hit the bull on the head with bags of sand for a long time and violently to deprive the bull of his senses, according to The Washington Post.
- A recent study found that 20 percent of bulls are fed laxatives and drugged before they step into the ring, according to the Associated Press.
- Former bullfighters admit that bulls are intentionally debilitated with beatings to the kidneys and heavy weights hung around their necks for weeks before the fight, according to The Animals Voice.
- Most of the time, bulls go into the arena blinded by the light because they are kept in darkness for 48 hours before the confrontation, according to the Brigitte Bardot Foundation.
- Mexican bullfighting also includes novillada, or baby bullfights. Baby bulls, some no more than a few weeks old, are brought into arenas where they are stabbed to death by spectators, many of whom are children. These bloodbaths end with spectators cutting off the ears and tail of the often still conscious calf lying in his own blood.
- Tourists, especially from the UK and America, keep bullfighting in business.
af peta.com
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:45 | Facebook
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