8.7.2006 | 10:31
Besti veitingastašur ķ heimi
er ķ um klt. fjarlęgš frį Röggu systur ķ Barcelona.
El Bulli heitir hann.
"Restaurant Magazine recently voted El Bulli the best restaurant in the world. Situated in Roses, on the Costa Brava, approximately two hours north of Barcelona, it is open only from April to September. During the other six months, the chefs are holed up in their laboratory in Barcelona devising new and exciting recipes. El Bulli is said to be booked out a year in advance, and virtually every serious chef reckons that Ferran Adrią, the genius in the kitchen, is the most influential and gifted man in the culinary world."
"The bill was shockingly fair. We had enjoyed aperitifs, four bottles of wine, one half bottle of sweet wine and four set menus, and it had just about made the £150 per head mark."
Spurning aš stefna į žetta, rétt ašeins um 20 žśs į mann... vį žaš eru bara nokkrar hamborgarmįltķšir hér heima...
Hér er listi yfir 50 bestu veitngastaši ķ heimi. Ķ sętum 9-11 eru stašir ķ Baskalöndunum og ķ Barcelona.
Flokkur: Matur og drykkur | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:04 | Facebook
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.