8.4.2007 | 11:03
spurning til þín?
Hatrið eða kærleikurinn?
1. How long do you hold on to grudges?
a) A day.
b) A week.
c) A month.
d) A year.
e) A decade.
f) A lifetime.
g) Generations.
2. Rank the following as the best way to resolve differences:
a) Mediation
b) Suicide bombing
c) Unforgiveness
d) Revenge.
e) Forgiveness.
f) Staging demonstrations.
g) Inciting others to hate them as well.
3. Rank The Following According To Level of Offensiveness:
a) Someone insults your religion.
b) Burning your country's flag.
c) Death threats to genocide your entire race.
d) Your embassy being stormed.
e) Bloggers.
f) Free speech advocates.
g) Terrorists.
4. Do you think thinking should be allowed?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I'm not allowed to think about thinking.
5. At what point will your anger be quenched?
a) Only when he/she is dead.
b) Only when his/her family is dead.
c) Only when his/her entire race is dead.
d) Only when he/her gets down on his knees and crawls to me begging for forgiveness.
e) Only until I get the entire world to agree with me that I was right.
f) Only if I change.
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Kærleikurinn sterkari en hatrið og dauðinn |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Gleðilega Páska Sylvía og fjölskilda.
Sigfús Sigurþórsson., 8.4.2007 kl. 11:13
Takk og sömuleiðis
SM, 8.4.2007 kl. 11:17
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.