8.4.2007 | 10:50
žessi mynd er ansi góš, tekin hjį honum Nico bloggara ķ Amerķku. Er um žaš aš gefast ekki upp og falla ekki ķ lęrt hjįlparleysi sem margar rannsóknir sżna aš fólk og hundar(var prófaš į žeim, ljót tilraun aš mķnu mati) falla ķ eftir nokkur mistök eša gagnslausar tilraunir. Žį bara gefst fólk upp og lętur valta yfir sig. Žannig aš alltaf aš reyna aftur!
Nico oršar žetta svo:
One of the problems in life that we get into is the vicious cycle of depression.
The problem with the cycle is this, you are unsuccessful, you get depressed. Because you are depressed you don't attempt to reach your goals fully. And because of that, you get poor results. And the cycle continues.
Conversely, the virtuous cycle is one where success breeds success. You attempt something, you are successful, you become more confident, and your next effort is easier, you do better, you do it more enthusiastically, there will be people who will even help you. Because of that, you get even more success!
So what do we do if we're stuck in the vicious cycle?
The magic word is: "Perhaps".
Set small goals for yourself, and then say, "perhaps if I do this", "perhaps if I try it differently" by doing so you will be getting yourself into the virtuous cycle.
Don't give up. Your faith will reward you. Hope and faith work together.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.