SM - Hausmynd



Air France sżnir žessa auglżsingu į feršum sķnum. Varar menn viš žvķ aš kaupa ,,kynlķf" af börnum erlendis. Flott auglżsing hjį žeim. Žetta er nś raunveruleikinn og menn hér į landi gera žetta lķka. Gleymi žvķ ekki žegar ég sį cirka 12 įra stelpur standa fyrir utan helstu hótel Havana į Kśbu, bķšandi eftir kśnna.  

 About 2 million children worldwide are under 18 and enslaved in the sex trade. Child prostitution is a crime. Support businesses fighting child sex tourism. Visit to learn more.

Hotel chains like Carlson (owner of Radisson) and Accor (owner of Sofitel, Novitel, Motel 6 etc), European airlines like Air France, and travel agencies all over the world have signed on to a 6 point plan to fight child prostitution. There are many myths: that sex tourists are helping the children earn money, that it is legal and acceptable in other countries, and that children are less likely to have HIV. ALL are myths. Child prostitution is illegal, prosecutable (and they are prosecuting) no matter where you commit this crime, and it is a physically and mentally torturous life for the child. When you travel, please patronize companies who are helping to fight this sick and brutal crime. There is a list of companies at

NBC gerši heimildar mynd um barnakynlķfsžręlkun og žetta brot sżnir hręšilegan raunveruleikann. varśš žetta er ekki fyrir alla aš sjį. Frown

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