5.4.2007 | 09:56
žvķlķkt rugl sem ég rakst į inn į Wikipedia en um leiš žvķlķk elja aš sjóša žetta saman og svoldiš fyndiš. Hver setti žetta saman?
Fjallbarn: The so-called linguisticly immaculate child of the mountains (Hiš slettulausa Fjallbarn) of Fjallkonan (Woman of the mountains), the female incarnation of the Icelandic nation, and Bergrisinn (The Rock-giant), one of the four protectors of Iceland. In High Icelandic symbolism, a child born on the national holiday and whose mother takes the trouble to make this happen at Thingvellir is called a fjallbarn'.
žessi er aldeilis aš notfęra sér žann rétt
SM, 5.4.2007 kl. 10:57
ég dróst einu sinni į furšulegan hįtt innķ žetta hįfrónskudęmi! stórfuršulegt, en fyndiš! miklar spekśleringar ķ gangi
leitašu betur, žaš eru til sķšur bara um hįfrónsku.... eša voru žaš allavega einu sinni.
halkatla, 5.4.2007 kl. 18:19
Thank you for your attention. You can see the weirdest stuff on http://www.loanworterminator.blogspot.com. Hold the language pure and free of loan-words, cure the þágufallssýki. Not because your dictatorial teachers and library dinosaurs tell you, but for yourself. Icelandic is a holy language, you all have kvasisjákvæð blóð through the irradiation of your ancestors by POETRONS, of which the poetic force in the universe consists.
Timbur-Helgi varaallsherjarnżyršaskįld hįfrónsku mįlhreyfingarinnar (IP-tala skrįš) 17.4.2007 kl. 21:00
sorry, it iskvasisjįkvętt blóš? sorry for the mistake.
timbur-helgi (IP-tala skrįš) 17.4.2007 kl. 21:01
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.