11.2.2007 | 22:19
The Secret
er mynd frį 2004 sem gengur į milli manna žessa dagana. Systir mķn sį hana og segir hana hafa breytt miklu. Žetta er svona ,,leyndardómur hamingjunnar"-mynd, en alltaf gott svo sem aš heyra e-š uppbyggjandi og jįkvętt. Oprah ręddi um žetta ķ žęttinum sķnum og žašan eru eftirfarandi orš um žetta leyndarmįl:
"What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we're thinking and feeling,"
The law of attraction means that everything that happens to you-good or bad-you attract to yourself. Lisa describes it as if you're placing an order. "If you were at a restaurant and you ordered something, you fully expect it to come served that way. That's how the universe is. You're putting out orders-consciously and unconsciously," Lisa says. "So if you say, 'I'll never have a great relationship,' you just placed an order."
"Basically, nothing new can come into your life unless you open yourself up to being grateful [for what you already have],"
"Concentrate on your health and wholeness every day, and you'll attract more health and wholeness every day."
Žetta er mjög ķ takt viš heilbrigša trśariškun, bęn, fyrirgefningu og žakklęti.
Heimasķša The Secret.
Flokkur: Trśmįl og sišferši | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:21 | Facebook
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.