SM - Hausmynd


Going tribal


Žetta er žįttur į Discovery. Žar er kall sem fer og bżr meš innfęddum og lifir einsog žau į allan hįtt ķ einhverjar vikur. Jay Leno tók vištal viš hann og žetta viršist ansi spennandi og snišug hugmynd.

,,Parry sheds social trappings (and sometimes his Western clothes) by living alongside people from the virtually unexplored areas of the Himalayas, Ethiopia, West Papua, Gabon and Mongolia. To the degree possible, while spending a month immersed in each society, Parry also tries to adopt the methods and practices of his hosts.

Parry enthusiastically embraces jungle hunting and the rituals of the warrior, being taught by strangers how to survive using bows, arrows, blowpipes, dogs, spears, traps, snares and clubs. He must cook and eat his catch using traditional methods such as hot stones, waxy leaves and bamboo pots."

going tribal


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1 identicon

Hmm žetta er ekkert nżtt, mannfręšingar hafa gert žetta ķ įratugi.

Rebekka (IP-tala skrįš) 9.5.2006 kl. 10:35

2 Smįmynd: SM

jį en ekki svona žętti

SM, 9.5.2006 kl. 11:27

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