SM - Hausmynd


Færsluflokkur: Trúmál

Rómverjar skrifuðu Guðspjöllin

Var leið til að reyna að róa gyðinga m.a.. Joe Atwill setur fram sterka kenningu um raunverulega höfunda N.T. Það voru Flavianar(69-96 AD) sem bjuggu Jesú til. 

Pat Condell

Sharia lög:

ár uxans hófst í gær

árið mitt Wizard, en einsog Obama þá er ég uxi og þykir það mikið gæfumerki þegar saman fer árið og merkið.


Að knýja fram breytingar

 í Biblíunni:

Joshua 6 - The Message

1 Jericho was shut up tight as a drum because of the People of Israel: no one going in, no one coming out.

2-5 God spoke to Joshua, "Look sharp now. I've already given Jericho to you, along with its king and its crack troops. Here's what you are to do: March around the city, all your soldiers. Circle the city once. Repeat this for six days. Have seven priests carry seven ram's horn trumpets in front of the Chest. On the seventh day march around the city seven times, the priests blowing away on the trumpets. And then, a long blast on the ram's horn-when you hear that, all the people are to shout at the top of their lungs. The city wall will collapse at once. All the people are to enter, every man straight on in."(...)

7 Then he told the people, "Set out! March around the city. Have the armed guard march before the Chest of God."(...)jericho

10 Joshua had given orders to the people, "Don't shout. In fact, don't even speak-not so much as a whisper until you hear me say, 'Shout!'-then shout away!"(...)

14 On the second day they again circled the city once and returned to camp. They did this six days.

15-17 When the seventh day came, they got up early and marched around the city this same way but seven times-yes, this day they circled the city seven times. On the seventh time around the priests blew the trumpets and Joshua signaled the people, "Shout!-God has given you the city! The city and everything in it is under a holy curse and offered up to God. (...)

20 The priests blew the trumpets.

When the people heard the blast of the trumpets, they gave a thunderclap shout. The wall fell at once. The people rushed straight into the city and took it.


 Þetta eru mótmæli í lagi. Wink



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