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Færsluflokkur: Menntun og skóli


eagletonthomondwidevar að uppgötva fyrirlestrana á iTunes frá hinum ýmsu háskólum. Rambaði á mjög skemmtilegan fyrirlestur í Yale með bretanum Terry Eagleton, marxískum prófessor, sem talar um kristni: ,,Christianity; fair or foul?'' Mikill húmoristi og lætur ameríkanana heyra það.



Arbinger stofnunin

er amerísk stofnun sem gengur út á það að fræða fólk um sjálfsblekkingu og hvernig hún er rót alls okkar vanda. Las báðar bækur þeirra í prógramminu úti og er mjög hrifin. Er að spá í að fara á námskeið hjá þeim í sumar. Heimasíðan.

Arbinger is the world's pioneer and leader in the area of "self-deception," which, simply put, is the problem of not knowing (and resisting the possibility) that one has a problem. Self-deception is the problem Freud was trying to figure out when he invented modern psychology. Ultimately, Freud was unable to unravel what became known as the "self-deception paradox," and scholars have been wrestling the same issue for over a century.

anatomyofpeace_small The Arbinger Institute was founded by the philosopher who finally figured out the self-deception paradox. Arbinger's purpose is to educate the world about this most important of issues and to equip individuals and organizations with the ability to get out of the self-deceptions that have held them bound. Arbinger's international bestseller, Leadership and Self-Deception (published in 2000), introduced the world to this issue of self-deception. Our newest book, The Anatomy of Peace (published in August 2006), deepens the understanding of this issue, and shows not only how to overcome self-deception in oneself but how to help others to overcome it as well. 


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