SM - Hausmynd


Sígaunar valda usla í Oslo

Sígaunafkjölskylda(romani) notaðist við líkvagn vegna jardarfarar í Oslo en vagninn var stoppaður af vegna þess umferðaröngþveitis sem af hlaust. Loks urðu svp vopnuð átök milli fjölskyldumeðlima í sjálfri jarðarförinni.


Dramatískt og flott. Smile

Romani kallast romanisæl hér í Noregi og Sviþjóð, og eru um 30.000 manns.

flott hjá þeim!

Gaman að sjá að það er eitthvað annað og meira heilbrigðara að gerast heima en bara þulning á tölum hlutabréfamarkaða. Götuvirki hústökufólksins
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Sir Norman Fry

MP: Guðlaugur Þór: Ég óskaði ekki eftir styrk
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Krisan a myndmali


stundum hugsar maður á ensku

hug_823146.jpg og þá geta hlutirnir litið spes út

Free speech

Baráttan gegn vændi

Í Minneapolis, USA, fá menn sem nást við að kaupa sér kynlíf, mynd af sér á vefinn:




það fannst Whirlpool líka á sínum tíma

auglýsing Whirlpool þvottavélaframleiðanda: Þvottavélin frelsaði konur
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Börn í Gambíu

Keyrði í gegnum þorp útá landi í Gambíu, börnin veifa og kalla og vonast eftir brjóstsykri.

afríkumenn ánægðir með sinn mann

Útum allt í Gambíu, þar sem ég var í síðustu viku, sá ég bregða fyrir myndum af Obama; á bolum, í símum, á plakötum. Fólk þar er hæst ánægt með ,,sinn'' mann. Mikið sjálfsálits boozt. Smile

gambia_2009_232.jpg Myndin tekin í Roots þrælasafninu. Obama staðfestir aðgerðaráætlun
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útvarpsviðtal við einn þeirra

á X-inu í gær...mjög áhugavert vægast sagt Shocking Á tímabili hélt ég að þetta væri leikari eða eitthvað grín en nei margir hafa mjög sérkennilegar skýringar á hruninu, t.d. allt ríkisstarfsmönnum að kenna...

Hægt að hlusta á Harmageddon á vefútvarpi ví Viðtalið er um miðbik þáttarins. Fleiri bankamenn skráðu eignir á ættingja
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Útsaumurinn er nú til sölu í Iðu, Lækjargötu. Mismunandi útlit. Tek við pöntunum.Smile


Pat Condell

Sharia lög:

ár uxans hófst í gær

árið mitt Wizard, en einsog Obama þá er ég uxi og þykir það mikið gæfumerki þegar saman fer árið og merkið.


flutt til Noregs ;)

you can all suck my big black .... LoL

Litla hannyrðahornið

krosssaumur minn.  



You Get What You Give Lyrics

Wake up kids
We've got the dreamers disease
Age 14 we got you down on your knees
So polite, you're busy still saying please
Fri - enemies, who when you're down ain't your friend
Every night we smash their Mercedes - Benz
First we run and then we laugh till we cry
But when the night is falling
And you cannot find the light
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget you only get what you give
Four a. m. we ran a miracle mile
Were flat broke but hey we do it in style
The bad rich
God's flying in for your trial

This whole damn world can fall apart
You'll be ok follow your heart
You're in harms way
I'm right behind
Now say youre mine

Fly high
What's real can't die
You only get what you give
Just dont be afraid to leave
Health insurance rip off lying FDA big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining
Cloning while they're multiplying
Fashion mag shoots
With the aid of 8 dust brothers Beck, Hanson
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
You're all fakes
Run to your mansions
Come around
We'll kick your ass in!
Don't let go
One dance left

{unsaid lyrics from liner}
Championed by a soulless media misleading
People unaware they're bleeding
No one with a brain is believing
It's so sad you lost the meaning
Never knew it anyway
Human natures so predictable
I'm a fool to do your dirty work whoa, whoa

Þetta var hressandi

Auðvitað var logið að okkur að allir væru farnir til að losna við okkur enda truflun fyrir alla, en þetta er ansi óviðeigandi samkoma: árshátíð Seðlabankans Shocking.

motmaeli_013_779778.jpgmotmaeli_021.jpg Fjölgar í mótmælendahópi
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Að knýja fram breytingar

 í Biblíunni:

Joshua 6 - The Message

1 Jericho was shut up tight as a drum because of the People of Israel: no one going in, no one coming out.

2-5 God spoke to Joshua, "Look sharp now. I've already given Jericho to you, along with its king and its crack troops. Here's what you are to do: March around the city, all your soldiers. Circle the city once. Repeat this for six days. Have seven priests carry seven ram's horn trumpets in front of the Chest. On the seventh day march around the city seven times, the priests blowing away on the trumpets. And then, a long blast on the ram's horn-when you hear that, all the people are to shout at the top of their lungs. The city wall will collapse at once. All the people are to enter, every man straight on in."(...)

7 Then he told the people, "Set out! March around the city. Have the armed guard march before the Chest of God."(...)jericho

10 Joshua had given orders to the people, "Don't shout. In fact, don't even speak-not so much as a whisper until you hear me say, 'Shout!'-then shout away!"(...)

14 On the second day they again circled the city once and returned to camp. They did this six days.

15-17 When the seventh day came, they got up early and marched around the city this same way but seven times-yes, this day they circled the city seven times. On the seventh time around the priests blew the trumpets and Joshua signaled the people, "Shout!-God has given you the city! The city and everything in it is under a holy curse and offered up to God. (...)

20 The priests blew the trumpets.

When the people heard the blast of the trumpets, they gave a thunderclap shout. The wall fell at once. The people rushed straight into the city and took it.


 Þetta eru mótmæli í lagi. Wink



Frekar erfið tilfinning sem við mörg kunnum ekki á eða finnst við þurfa að bæla. Hér er góð hugvekja Melody Beattie um reiðina sem er eðlileg tilfinning, rétt einsog gleðin og allar hinar tilfinningarnar.

Accepting Anger

Anger is one of the many profound effects life has on us. It's one of our emotions. And we're going to feel it when it comes our way -- or else repress it.
--Codependent No More

If I were working a good program, I wouldn't get angry.... If I were a good Christian, I wouldn't feel angry.... If I were really using my affirmations about how happy I am, I wouldn't be angry.... Those are old messages that seduce us into not feeling again. Anger is part of life. We need not dwell in it or seek it out, but we can't afford to ignore it.

gril-feelings-dice_28092005143332In recovery, we learn we can shamelessly feel all our feelings, including anger, and still take responsibility for what we do when we feel angry. We don't have to let anger control us, but it surely will if we prevent ourselves from feeling it.

Being grateful, being positive, being healthy, does not mean we never feel angry. Being grateful, positive, and healthy means we feel angry when we need to.

Today, I will let myself be angry, if I need to. I can feel and release my emotions, including anger, constructively. I will be grateful for my anger and the things it is trying to show me. I can feel and accept all my emotions without shame, and I can take responsibility for my actions.


From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie


radgjafatorg_mynd446X149 fyrirspurnum um hvað; spillinguna, afskriftir sumra, Birnu???

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