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Innflytjandinn ég...

Rebekka benti mér į žessa grein um hremmingar innflytjenda og thad er spurning hvaša stigi ég sé į...  Tounge

III. Period of Overcompensation

Migratory stress does not take its heaviest toll in the weeks or even months immediately following migration. On the contrary, the participants are frequently unaware of the stressful nature of the experience and of its cumulative impact.


A moratorium technique developed occasionally is the collective myth that “they will return to the country of origin after some time.” Families cling to the old country’s norms and refuse to engage with the flex environment Needless to say, that coping strategy can last for only so long, and eventually the fantasy will collapse under the pressure of the new reality, triggering a major crisis.

IV. Period of Decompensation or Crisis

This is a stormy period, plagued with conflicts, symptoms, and difficulties. In fact, the majority of the migrated families that are brought to the attention of family therapists can be placed at one point or another of this phase of decompensation. In it, the main task of the recently migrated family takes place: that of reshaping its new reality, maximizing both the family’s continuity in terms of identity and its compatibility with the environment.

37800-2'Eg er eflaust mitt į milli žessara stiga...mer finnst stundum ad timinn se stopp her og eg eigi eftir ad vera her um eilifd.

Migration and family conflict.

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1 identicon

HEHEHE Medicated and motivated!!!!

Ragga (IP-tala skrįš) 26.12.2007 kl. 20:12

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