SM - Hausmynd


Góšur matur

pics%5C051105083517 Fór ķ St.Patricks partż ķ gęr. Gestir komu allir meš mat og mešal žess sem ég smakkaši voru Jalapenos med rjómaosti og beikoni. Alveg rosalega gott. Gef ykkur hér meš uppskriftina.

Einnig er gott aš vefja beikoni um döšlur og grilla, algert sęlgęti.  


Jalapeno Bacon Wrap Ingredients

6 Jalapeno peppers sliced in half and seeds removed

 1 package Bacon

4 ounce Cream cheese12 Toothpicks

Instructions for Jalapeno Bacon Wrap

1. Preheat outdoor grill

2. Slice Jalapeno in half lenghtwise, remove seeds, stem, and wash.

3. Spread Cream cheese to fill Jalepeno halves.

4. Wrap one strip of Bacon around Jalapeno and secure with toothpick.

5. Place on the grill until bacon is crispy and cooked.


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